El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Friday, March 18, 2005
Beautiful Worship...
Today at the school was elementary chapel day. I saw perhaps the most beautiful thing of my life! Today the grade 3 kids were in charge of the chapel, and they spoke on forgiving one another and asking God to help you get over anger... but at the end, oh man... they sang along to this Mary Mary song "Shackles" which is a cool kinda song - but to see these grade 3 kids singing and dancing about God breaking our chains, setting us free so we can praise Him - DANG. Then at the end of the chapel they led us in a song - I dont know the namee, but it has the lines... "King of all kings, oh so highly exalted... glorious in heaven above..." All I could do was cry through the entire chapel - not because it was worship in English, but mainly becuase I am reminded again of the purity of heart I am required to have... and I marvel at the beautiful God that is in each of those kids... SHOOT - Seriously prime moment in my life!
posted by Erica @ 2:05 p.m.  
  • At 4:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hola Erika!! Que interesante ha sido encontrar tu blog y leer de tu experiencia en Colombia!. Mi nombre es Maryvel y soy la esposa de uno de tus profesores en BBI, Allan. Encontre tu blog a traves de Alberto. Ahora recuerdo que Allan hablo de esta chica que se iva para Colombia. Tal vez tu sabes, yo soy Colombiana de nacimiento. Nací en Bogotá pero crecí en Ibagué. Ojala y tengas la oportunidad de salir y visitar otras ciudades y pueblos. Colombia es un país hermoso con gente linda, comida deliciosa y mucho amor para personas como tú. Toma tu tiempo, abre tu mente y tu corazón y disfruta de esta linda experiencia que sin duda alguna cambiará tu vida por siempre!

    Estaremos orando por ti! Que el Señor te guarde y te bendiga y mil gracias por compartir tu experiencia con el resto del mundo!

    Un abrazo, Maryvel.

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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