El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Monday, January 02, 2006
Dana Barrand and I were recently talking about an email that I wrote, and she encouraged me in my writing; that maybe I should do more of it... possibly even trying to get something published in this year. The thought is a scary one. I love to write, sometimes I even think I'm an ok writer. But I'll tell you what I told her - when I was in Grade 6 already I loved to write. I wrote 70 pages of what I thought was going to be a book before I let a friend read it... and my friend laughed at me after she'd read it... I garbaged those pages, and ever since have had an incredibly difficult time letting people read my writing. Even handing in a paper nearly kills me if I think I haven't done a good enough job - any Bethany'ers out there might relate to this: handing in a garbage paper to Randy or Gil nearly does me in. Anyway, since Dana todl me this a few days ago, I've been looking at life through new eyes - where will the inspiration come from? I don't know, but as I sit here in the Broadway Roastery, surrounded by people and life I know that something will nudge that part of my brain that loves to write and create a flowing piece of work that others enjoy reading. Crazy... I've never had a serious New Years Resolution before... now I do.

Erica's New Years Resolution: Get something published before Jan 1, 2007. (or at least attempt to...)

I hope 2006 is a year in which you all can experience something... don't run away from the questions life brings you, face em head on... be a different person tomorrow than you are today... and never forget to enjoy the ride.

Sincerely, Erica
posted by Erica @ 11:44 a.m.  
  • At 1:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey Erica good to hear what's up. ya Itotally know the feeling of handing in a lame paper to Randy or Gil....you kinda feel dirty and then you get the mark and realize your feelings were justified, and begin preparing for supplemental work. lol
    anyways best wishes this year and keep writing.

  • At 2:09 p.m., Blogger Edwin, Alejandra y Juanita said…

    hola erica. Pues te deseamos lo mejor para este nuevo año. ojala El Señor te tenga para que vengas a Colombia de nuevo... te extrañamos muchisimo pero sabemos que Dios te tiene en donde EL quiere... que el Señor cumpla los deseos de tu corazon para este año y no olvides el español. tus amigos

    Familia Reyes Alvarado

  • At 11:31 p.m., Blogger Paula Reyes said…

    Te animo Eri tu puedes hacerlo te querio mucho. un abrazo

  • At 1:16 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hola Erica! Que bueno oir de ti nuevamente! Ya salgo para Colombia el proximo Viernes, vienes conmigo?? Ojala y tu sueño de publicar algo se vuelva realidad! Nada es imposible en esta vida. Es todo fuerza de voluntad! Just beleive in yourself and make the sky the limit!

    Abrazos Gigantes!!

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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