El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Friday, July 29, 2005
So, after leaving Chinauta, having a day "reprieve" in Bogotá we boarded yet another oh too small bus for us and our baggage and headed off to Velez in the department of Santander (or something like that)... arriving there we proceeded to unload the sound system, 5000 maletas, soccer ball, pots and pans, and yes - the bicycle. We were greeted by Hector and Sonia Cordoba... Hector who is a former MIJUQUERO and with whom I spent many a day talking about their ministry and how the heck they know what to be doing in this initial stage of their church planting ministry and about Trever Godard. Yes indeed, there are some stories about beautiful TG... and also about Joan's cooking. How random to be on the side of a mountain surrounded by other beautiful mountains in the middle of the mountains of Colombia talking about Joan's cooking. RANDOM. Basically, our time in Velez was to assist Hector y Sonia in their ministry, and our time was to be packed full of events with children, door to dooring, praying, and yes... running up the side of a mountain for like, 5 km in the pouring rain. Booyeah...

The story I would like to share is the following: So on our 3 Domingos in Velez we always went to a barrio where H & S are working at setting up cell groups. This barrio happened to be approximately 6 km down the mountain from where we were staying in their house, and as the heat of the afternoon was usually brutal when it was time to go, we always took a truck down with the boys who couldn't fit hanging out the back end... and walked back UP... and when I say UP I mean UP - 6 of the most brutal km of my life... but anyway. We went to leave on this particular night wlaking on the dirt part of the road before reaching teh Carretera (scary road on teh side of the mountain) when the rain started while we were still praying in this one family's house. I thought it was some freakish torrential mountain storm or something cuz seriously the wind and rain were heinous. We tried calling for a truck to come pick us up, but they wouldn't come cuz the dirt road on the side of the mountain is most definitely mud slide material and so we started to hike it - oh beautiful stubborn Tomas... so we're trudging through the heinous rain when something happens and Tomas is frustrated, and so the call comes out: "MIJUCO TROTAR"... We were a long way from home people - but trot we did... I am pretty sure it was like 3 km worth of running. But it was actually really tight because as Leidy and I jogged along in the pouring rain on the side of a mountain facing other mountains in the mountains of Colombia I knew that this was a memory that is gonna be with me for the rest of my life. Gracias a Dios!
posted by Erica @ 2:32 p.m.  
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Name: Erica
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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