El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Parte II : Reality
"...we were stunned into thinking the next 2 weeks were gonna be tight."

Our time in Chinauta was not to be a vacation.

There were days starting at 6 in the morning, and ending at 11, 12, 1, 3.... starting at 6 going until 11, 12, 1....

Days with teaching from 9 am until 10pm on any variety of themes... my favorite was Anabaptism, in Spanish... booyeah!

There was the night of the robbers when we were woken from our sleep at 1 in the morning and rushed into the night air to huddle in the salon while Tomas and Paula and Giovanny freaked out about what to do... suggestions of machetes, finding the finca caretaker, praying, etc were whispered into the night air... until the truth was revealed that it was all a hoax and we were questioned about why none of us thought to bring a Bible. Luckily for us, Monica remembered her money.

There was the night of the fire that went until 3 in the morning with us renouncing areas of bondage in our lives, past regrets, etc... with crazy acts of Holy Spirit happening... definitely need to debrief about this one.

The day of the hose. WoW. Basically the point of training was to break our norms, break our characters and challenge us to see if we were up for the test. This day we messed up hardcore. Team work wasn't happening, we were messing up on setting up tents... and so we were ordered into bathing suits and to be on the field in 5 minutes... we proceeded to run, jump, roll, whatever was ordered around the soccer field for the following hour, when out came the hose. We were ordered into a line, and I was selected first - on my knees facing Tomas and the hose with my hands behind my back... the water was turned on and water at high pressure was sprayed into my mouth and nose and the question yelled "What are you?" Struggling for breath and words to say that I am a Christian for the next 50 of the hardest seconds of my life with the rest of the MIJUCO team laughing behind me because they thought it was funny and not as hard as it really was. Hardest part about this lesson: I just did it to get to that 50 seconds, and the conviction in my heart was not into my words. Hearing the laughter of the other MIJUQUERO's I knew in my heart that my inaction in prayer and in support is the laughter that persecuted Christians in the world are hearing. Hardest day of my life... best day of my life... feel free to ask me about this day when I talk with you...

So many days... so much learned. However, in the next parts I must talk about our outreach in Velez because WOW!
posted by Erica @ 10:43 a.m.  
  • At 8:57 a.m., Blogger Marla Faith said…

    Hey Erica! Welcome "back"! Sounds like you had just a fabulous time of stretching and growth. I was praying for you (and still am). You don't know how much I'd love to sit down with you in person and debrief!!! But it probably won't happen any time soon, so keep blogging about your experiences. I am a faithful reader! =)

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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