El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Exactly one Week...
...from today and I will be in Saskatchewan. (6 days till the beaches of Miami woowoo baby). I am more and more excited about this everyday... There were a couple days here in this last week that the thought of leaving sent me into a panic attack, but I rested and worked on my "fresca" factor, and am now ready... My days in this week are going to be filled with visiting friends, finishing up buying gifts, and hopefully a day out at ECA to see the students I taught and say goodbye's to some of the staff that helped me through the roughness of my first month here. God has been so faithful in this time, and it is as I am preparing to leave and reading through my journal entries from the beginning that I truly see how He worked in me.

It is hard to say good-bye to people that came to mean a lot to me when I am not sure I will see them again - it is like graduating from Doha all over again... to be in the international environment is sooooo amazing, the people you meet, the lessons you learn, but in the end is quite hard because you come to be so close to people and then you have to leave them literally not knowing if you will see them again.

The quaint advice people give is that "we'll all be in heaven together"... but I gotta say I don't really like that "advice"... I figure the purpose or focus in heaven certainly won't be on reaquainting (is that spelled right? I think there is a c missing) ourselves with old buddies... it'll be tighter - WORSHIPPING the KING right? Least I think so.

That said, don't tell me not to feel sad or perhaps melancholy at the thought of leaving my friends. Sometimes it is OK to just FEEL things... even if the things are sad or hard for others to hear; it is OKKKKKK to think of missing my friends, it is OKKKKKK to think I am going to miss Colombia. I say this, because in these last months I was always made to think or feel guilty that I missed my Canada - friends, family, etc - in reality it is OK to miss things. Not to dwelllllllll on the missing, but it is OK to feel. Why am I ranting abotu this? I guess it's just been boiling up in me for quite some time. The only person here who has truly understood this frustration of mine is Tòmas... who now has a tradition with me of telling me "Erica, it's OK" everytime we see each other... tight!

Entonces, I had no idea this would turn into a huge rant... sorry about that. Guess it's just my style eh? Only one week until you all can hear the rants in person... woowoo. Please be praying that I can enjoy this time with friends, that all my travel plans can get finalized OK and of course, that my return goes smoothly... I have to come through Toronto - that's frightening... 5 flights and BOOYEAH I will be home! See you all then.
posted by Erica @ 8:47 a.m.  
  • At 9:12 a.m., Blogger Sabrina said…

    I can't explain the hotness factor of you coming home, and residing in good old SK. I am DANG excited. Much love to you Erica, and blessings as you travel. Don't worry about the T.O airport. If foreign tourists can conquer it, so can you. Love love.

  • At 10:09 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hola amiga!

    I can remember leaving Bogota. The last week there was filled with so many great memories and moments that i still treasure. Departure day - well that was a different story - seriously one of the craziest days of my life - fortunately you won't be trying to travel in a group of 9 people! The tears that were cried in that airport were many! I will be praying that your last week there will be special and filled with many good moments! Te quiero y espero podemos vernos pronto!

  • At 6:31 p.m., Blogger Paula Reyes said…

    Hola mi Erica:

    Esta todo ok?
    jjajajj bueno la verdad disfruta tu semana yo tambien t entiendo solo que no puedo estar ahi.

    Pero estoy aqui y espero que septiembre llegue rapido y podamos a vernos.

    Te quiero

  • At 6:35 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yay!!!!! I am just so excited to see you and sit at fudd's and eat fries and have a wonderful time with my dear, dear erica. I can't wait to hear the stories and hear you speak that beautiful language and everything else that it means to have yo around again. Have a good last week! (and congratulations on the big news ;) hahaha)

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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