El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Shameless Plug & or's...
this is a shameless plug to beat my all time high for comments - i've realized of late that this blog doesn't really have an overall theme or direction; but (OK - the trailer for Norbit just came on... Eddie Murphy: WHATTTT?????) instead is a source of amusement for myself and others... so people; show a little love - I'm actually interested in these answers...

A game of OR's (pick what you like best)

1) pepsi or coke
2) reality shows about dancing or singing
3) peanuts or cashews
4) comedy or drama movies
5) summer or winter
6) Oprah or Ellen
7) roughing it camping or superstar hotelling it
8) chinese or mexican food
9) 1%, 2%, skim or homo
10) eggs overeasy, scrambled or fried

That was fun...

My answers to or's:

1) Pepsi
2) Dancing
3) Cashews - peanuts of late annoy me - weird, I know.
4) Totally depends on my mood - if you could combine the two - booyeah.
5) SUMMER!!!
6) Ellen - so funny, so very funny; she's a shockingly good dancer at that
7) Depends who I am with, and where I am... both are PHEnomenal!
8) Mexican
9) 1%
10) Overeasy... tis true, tis true!

OK guys; have fun with this! ENJOY and COMMENT!
posted by Erica @ 3:10 p.m.   15 comments
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Post #111
Weird - all three numbers; the same. 111. Interesante, no?


Youth Advance was this weekend. It went swimmingly well - PRAISE BE! Truly I am just so grateful to every guest, committee member, and mentor along the way who helped make the event possible - I give thanks most definitely to the G-Man above who is so amazing and so able to do such great, great things.

The theme is one that is so close to my heart. Broken. Some might think it a depressing theme, but I thought and continue to think that as a body united in Christ, we NEED to be open with the hurts - we need to express our hearts - we need to BE before one another. Hiding and denying are screwing our society over. I just finished reading an article on the Relevant Magazine website. Read it here. This article encaptures the essence of what I prayed would be made known at YA. I also read an article awhile ago in the same magazine which states in this GORGEOUS article about a ministry called To Write Love on Her Arms which is kind of explained herehere. In the article that is included in Relevant (September issue) Jamie Tworkowski states, "Learn what it means to love broken people. Don't turn away from the things that you don't understand... Don Miller write in his book Blue Like Jazz that 'something was broken in the world and we were supposed to hold our plams against the wound.' That's it. We're called to stop the bleeding. We're called to change the world." Relevant Magazine (September) p. 28...

YA was about just that: giving kids the chance to connect with their leaders, friends, other people to talk about the issues they're suffocating, denying and living repressed under. My encouragement to all out there; to myself; to our nation - how are we stopping the bleeding? What am I doing to change my world?

Wow. Now that is a challenge to live by!
posted by Erica @ 6:38 p.m.   0 comments
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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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Quote of the Week

The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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