El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Thursday, September 20, 2007

I love it.

For the wedding, someone got us a set of bowls that are all a different colour with "popcorn" written on them. Someone else got us a popcorn maker (three people actually), and another person got us a BUNCH of popcorn & flavourings. I don't know why, because we didn't register for any of it.... BUT - I am SO glad.

Lately, late at night when I'm sitting with the hubs on the couch, we pop up a nice big bowl of popcorn. It's a time of great simplicity and is just so comfortable. I've decided that popcorn is the best comfort/warm food of all.

It's a simple delicacy that life offers - to sit in silence with one you love, life does not get any better than that.

I was reminded the other day, yesterday actually, that GOD's love, enjoyment, joy, heart, etc... is even greater than our love, enjoyment, joy or heart for/in our fellow humans. As much as I love anyone I love... HE LOVES ME MORE.

Someday, I am very excited to enjoy some popcorn with EL SENOR!

Amigos - no se si todavia ustedes leen mi blog, pero espero que en Colombia todo esta bien! Estoy hablando en este 'post' sobre el amor de Dios por nosotros, que su amor y amistad y gozo es mas fuerte por nosotros que qualquier amor tenemos por nuestros amigos, amores, etc... Mijuqueros - tenemos que recordar las cosas que aprendiabamos en la montana en Velez - tenemos que vivir solo por DIOS! "Por mucho tiempo busque... una razon para vivir..." La razon es Dios, y solo Dios. Pensamos en cielo - un dia, vamos a quedarnos en los pies de Dios... y que dia!!!! Les quieren muchisimo! Por siempre, tuyo... Negrita!

PS: I always check my Spanish with Free Translation to make sure I'm not butchering it... and sometimes it is REALLY funny how the computer translates.... for example - Negrita is a nickname I got in Colombia from my friend Leidy about how my skin is so white... when really it means dark girl(Her nickname was Monita... white girl). In the translation, it translates that to be "BOLDFACE!" I thought it was funny and chuckled to myself... sigh, is that even funny for anyone else???! Haha...
posted by Erica @ 7:29 a.m.  
  • At 4:55 p.m., Blogger Aaron & Tanya said…

    Ahhh Yes! I love popcorn as well. Kettle corn to be exact. There is also some great flavorings out there that just make your mouth water (sold from Epicure) I am with you on the popcorn being wonderful!

  • At 5:46 p.m., Blogger Sheryl said…

    Oh yes, Erica, that was funny to me!

    p.s.I love popcorn.

  • At 3:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Erica. We missed our usual Sunday popcorn night with Trever- I doubt that he was sharing popcorn with 25 students!
    WE LOVE POPCORN!! I think it is as much about taste as about sharing it with people you love. The Godards have so many great memories made on popcorn nights!
    Hey, we can't get any of the flavourings down here. Do ya think you could send one or two along with Trev?
    Big Hi to Tim
    Love Joan

  • At 3:51 p.m., Blogger Bonnie said…

    I think I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. There is quite simply NOTHING like freshly popped popcorn...the real thing (not microwave, though I don't mind that either)...but true, popped-in-the-popper popcorn. Just so good!
    Love you Scamms...glad to see you're enjoying the little things in life.

  • At 8:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    claro que so mi negrita aqui en colombi si leemos tu blog aunque no lo entiendo por que siempre encribes en ingles gracias por escribir en espaƱol y recoerdar ese hermoso tiempo

    tu monita

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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