El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Shameless Plug & or's...
this is a shameless plug to beat my all time high for comments - i've realized of late that this blog doesn't really have an overall theme or direction; but (OK - the trailer for Norbit just came on... Eddie Murphy: WHATTTT?????) instead is a source of amusement for myself and others... so people; show a little love - I'm actually interested in these answers...

A game of OR's (pick what you like best)

1) pepsi or coke
2) reality shows about dancing or singing
3) peanuts or cashews
4) comedy or drama movies
5) summer or winter
6) Oprah or Ellen
7) roughing it camping or superstar hotelling it
8) chinese or mexican food
9) 1%, 2%, skim or homo
10) eggs overeasy, scrambled or fried

That was fun...

My answers to or's:

1) Pepsi
2) Dancing
3) Cashews - peanuts of late annoy me - weird, I know.
4) Totally depends on my mood - if you could combine the two - booyeah.
5) SUMMER!!!
6) Ellen - so funny, so very funny; she's a shockingly good dancer at that
7) Depends who I am with, and where I am... both are PHEnomenal!
8) Mexican
9) 1%
10) Overeasy... tis true, tis true!

OK guys; have fun with this! ENJOY and COMMENT!
posted by Erica @ 3:10 p.m.  
  • At 3:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    as much pepsi as there has been through this house in the last 6 months we have lived together, I think I have only drank maybe 4 glasses of it, therefore my answer is coke... but I don't like pop much, I'd rather have oj... and i like singing shows... and cashews especially when you buy them for the price of peanuts...i'm all about drama's unless it would be a movie based around the office and then, comedy all the way...i love and miss summer... and oprah is my hero... i am the same way as i like to both camp and live a life of extravagance... i love mexican food of all kinds...1% milk... and i like it when the yoke of my egg is runny, i don't know the technical term and always double guess myself when I'm a waitress asks me how I would like my eggs done... so there my friend are my answers...

  • At 5:14 p.m., Blogger Bonnie said…

    Here it goes...
    1) Coke...no question.
    2)Dancing & Singing...can't choose between the two because I am a sucker for both...
    3) Peanuts
    4) I'm with ya on this one....love the drama + comedy if possible :) Nothing like tears of sadness and then tears of laughter...
    5) Summer...of course!
    6) I'll admit I love Ellen, but watch more Oprah
    7) I like to camp but if i HAD to choose, I can't say I hate the hotel route
    8) Chinese
    9) 2%...all my life baby...
    10) Overeasy...though I usually have them sunny side up!

    Hope that was fun for you Scamma :) Love ya!

  • At 5:26 p.m., Blogger Chris H said…

    1) Coke, if I'm forced to choose
    2) Neither. Ever.
    3) Cashews
    4) Drama, I guess. Most "comedies" these days are just sex and/or toilet humour. I can do without that.
    5) Summer
    6) Neither.
    7) Either works for me
    8) Either. Both are delicious!
    9) 2%, I suppose
    10) I. Hate. Eggs.

  • At 7:28 p.m., Blogger StephiG said…

    1. Nasty. Both of them. I choose milk.
    2. I'm a sucker for anything reality, so I can't choose.
    3. Cashews
    4. A mix is good, but I'm mostly about the sappy romantic comedy.
    5. Do you have to ask? Does anyone say winter? Anyone who actually knows what winter is?
    6. Oprah and her new age crap are old news. It's all about Ellen.
    7. While Camping is a good time, if someone else is paying I'ma diva all the way.
    8. Mexican
    9. 1%
    10. Poached, overeasy/sunnyside up, scrambled, boiled. In that order.

  • At 3:23 p.m., Blogger Janelle said…

    1) pepsi!!!!!!
    2) reality shows about singing - but i LOVE so you think you can dance..but i had dancing with the stars.
    3) cashews - i really don't have any use for peanuts.
    4) drama movies - the notebook - or anything with Kate Hudson.
    5) summer - though i hate summer, and i hate winter - i like spring & fall when i can wear jeans & sweaters and hide my rolls.
    6) Oprah or Ellen - ahhhhh! both. Oprah deals with awesome issues and i learn alot - but ellen is just dang funny!
    7) superstar hotelling it - showers, room service, WARMTH!
    8) chinese food!! could eat it all the time!
    9) 1% or 3.25% if you are my daughter which i think is SOOO gross!
    10) eggs overeasy. especially if someone else makes them. my eggs only look good on a sandwich.

  • At 11:15 a.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    Hi friend. I've been thinking of you recently. Hope you are doing well. I'll put in a few of my choices as well.

    1. Coke
    2. I've always been facinated with watching people dance - so i'd go with the dance option.
    3. i enjoy both
    4. i'd prefer comedy if it was good and not dumb, otherwise i'd go with drama
    5. no question - summer (i'm not missing winter and the -40 weather at all!)
    6. Oprah - i think she is somewhat inspiring and is better than what she was 10 years ago.
    7. i like them both equally.
    8. oohh, tough one.... (ps. you should come visit and enjoy some of this amazing food!)
    9. skim or 1%
    10. scrambled

    have a good week Erica

  • At 2:24 p.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    1. pepsi... duh!
    2. singing
    3. peanuts (salted only!)
    4. drama
    5. summer
    6. ellen
    7. camping
    8. chinese
    9. none (i'm laztose intollerant)
    10. scrambled

  • At 7:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Erica,
    I've been thinking about you lately. In fact, I was talking about you on Saturday...nothing bad. I am supposed to be studying but this is much more interesting.
    I hope you are doing well.

  • At 7:51 a.m., Blogger Princess Warrior said…

    I'll take the bait;
    2) neither, I think reality shows are dumb and since we don't actually watch tv I cannont make an informed opinion
    5)summer, summer, summer
    9) soy milk, Silk only
    10) over easy

  • At 8:57 p.m., Blogger luKe said…

    2. reality t.v. defeats the purpse of t.v.
    3. neither, you are what you eat ha ha ha
    5.summer -I hate being cold
    6. Jesus?
    7. both are good
    8.mexican ...
    9. 2%
    10. all of the above

  • At 10:17 a.m., Blogger Trev and Rebekah said…

    1. neither
    2. neither. I prefer the Amazing Race
    3. cashews
    4. drama
    5. summer
    6. oprah
    7. there's a time for both
    8. mexican
    9. skim
    10. fried whites. I don't like the yoke!

  • At 8:33 p.m., Blogger Rypo said…

    i'm not sure how scientific this survey is...but i'll bite:

    1)coke (classic, that is)
    2)reality shows about singing, or the dreamy Simon Cowell
    3)peanuts (Charles Schultz is the best...i've never heard of "cashews" is it funny? it sounds like a knockoff)
    4)comedy movies
    6)Ellen (i'd party with her any day)
    7)camping (bringing a lot of Archies)
    8)mexican food (they at least HIDE the kenerbles of fat in the ground meat they generally use...this reduces the use of my gag reflex)
    9)2% milk
    10)eggs overeasy

  • At 4:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…


    1) Pepsi (because of ethical issues with Coke, not taste)
    2) Singing
    3) Cashews
    4) Comedy
    5) Summer
    6) Ellen, I guess
    7) Roughing it
    8) Mexican, it's delicious!
    9) 2% when I can get it
    10) Over-medium

    Erica, I was hoping to talk to you about what you and Dana are up to, send me an e-mail when you get a chance. gordmills@gmail.com

    I might as well plug my website while I'm writting
    Visit gordmills.googlepages.com for an experience you won't soon forget!

  • At 5:56 p.m., Blogger Bonnie said…

    Hey Scamma...what's up with the lack of posting!? This is SO unlike you! I miss hearing what you have to say....post for me girl! :)
    Love you and hope you're doing great.

  • At 8:24 p.m., Blogger Lilene said…

    Well it seems I only wander over here when you're trolling for comments so I might as well oblige!

    1. coke or dr. pepper which is a pepsi product
    2. hands down dancing
    3. cashews
    4. a good solid mix of the two, think Little Miss Sunshine
    5. Summer although I prefer dressing for winter
    6. Lately I've been digging the Ellen, however next time you should make Rachel Ray an option cuz I've recently discovered that she Rocks.
    7. superstar hotel, I'm a diva
    8. 1%
    9. scrambled.

    Hope all is well in life and I'll try to come by more often so you don't need to beg for comments :) *(she said as if her comments would actually make a difference!)

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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