El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Monday, January 01, 2007
I vacuumed.
Yes indeedily doodily my dear friendily wendily's... I vacuumed to ring in the New Year! And it was great, great, great fun!!! The Baerwald and I returned from our week long journey to meet and greet every parent, sister, brother, family member either of us know late New Year's Eve (about 10 PM). Now, originally, our plan was to hang out with some friends and ring in the NY (New Year) together; but quite frankly: I was tired. So, I vacuumed up all the heinous pine needles that had falled off the tree during my week away, got into some PJ's, tidied up my stuff from the jour-nay and laid myself on the couch and watched TV. I must say; I LOVED IT!!! NY for me is always sooooo.... boring. I'm really not into the whole idea - whoopity whoop - a NY. Boo-erns is what I gotta say. Wellll, not boo-erns, but meh. That's it - meh. I had a heck of a time all by myself... I like my self. My self is rockin. Woot woot.

Now, on to a summary of this week's journeys: Waldheim with Tim's fam was awesome! I love those Baerwalds a lot... I got a sweet ace cutting board from the ole boyfriend-ski and a minx - MINX - pair of oven mitts. Sweet. Waldheim was pretty low key I'd say - Not really too sure what else to say about it: lots of good food, good fam and goodness all around. Then we went to Edmonton to visit my dad and fam - it was sweet cuz my G-ma was out from Ontario; so I really enjoyed seeeing her AND my little nephew Aiden was out at my parents, so it was really, really sweet getting the chance to love that little guy... Plus, while we were in Edmonton we went and saw the movie: The Holiday, and I gotta say - I loved every single minute of it. I am such a girl; but it rocked. Then, the finale... and what a finale it was - Valleyview. Exposing my roots to anyone is often a nerve wracking thing... but somehow, the ole Tim-ski fit right in to my roots... it was frightening seeing how much he and my (step) dad have in common, and see how they could really go off and amuse themselves with random boy stuff for hours - I didn't have to run interference, Tim was fine alone with him, I could relax. It was nice... the boys talked motors, fed animals, propped up the carport with some ole 4 by 4 inch plywood stuff (I think?) and we cruised the countryside partying with all my parents friends. You'd think I was kidding about that last part; but that's just a sign that you've never been to Valleyview, or met my parents :)

To be home is nice. It was busy. It was nice not thinking about work, but I am equally excited to get going on some work stuff. Youth Advance is just a month away and I am ecstatic to see how stuff goes. It was on my mind a lot over the holidays... I'm ready. I'm pumped.

I'd just put on here however, that I can not sleep. Why why why? I am tired, yet my mind will not stop. The future is a scary thing. So many big decisions; how do I know which ones are the right ones? How do all my dreams mesh together? Aiy yai yai - nothing like the NY to get the mind thinking of all that is ahead hey? Next time, I am going to post some thoughts on my NY's resolutions. I am making some; I still have yet to fully think them through (and hence, I shall be a few days late in posting them...) but I assure you, the wait is worth it!

Peace all; it's good to be home!
posted by Erica @ 11:18 p.m.  
  • At 7:53 p.m., Blogger Bonnie said…

    So glad you're back! Missed ya in the blogging world :) But i am happy to hear that Timmy fit right in---but I mean, how couldn't he? He's just so great! You're both just so great. Probably why you're together---you ooze greatness :)
    Anyway...hope your NY is a sweet one!
    Love ya Scamma! Oh, and Jon says hello and that he MISSES you!!!

  • At 10:27 a.m., Blogger Trev and Rebekah said…

    I didn't know you two were back together. Remember our convo years ago in the hallway behind the gym? Anyways, glad you are happy and had a good time.

  • At 1:47 p.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    i like myself too! like you i was all alone and it was... boring but good nonetheless

  • At 11:54 a.m., Blogger Rypo said…

    Youth Advance! Now that YouthQuake has gone the way of the buffalo, maybe Bethany will get some more action (in the attendance part of its festivities).

  • At 10:08 a.m., Blogger jupo said…

    i'm starting to realize that new year's eve isn't quite what it's cracked up to be. we were at a low-key 'party' and watched the countdown on tv. and we all cheered when it hit 2007. as i was jumping and clapping my hands in glee like a little schoolgirl, i stopped and asked why i was all excited... very strange...

  • At 7:23 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hola mi negrita espero que este nuevo año DIOS continue dando muchas bendiciones en tu vida...

    te quiero mucho tu monita

  • At 9:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey you!!! it's monday morning - can you e-mail me at janelle.loewen@saskatoonhealthregion.ca or phone me 655-4310?

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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