El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I'm Not Grumpy Anymore!!!
Hehe... tis true folks! At last, the madness has passed... and I just wanna give a personal shout-out to my roomie Dana; who forever is faithfully by my side! Dana; you truly are a great friend... phenomenal roommate, and I do owe you a tremendous deal for the way you are still my friend even through all the ups and downs that this last year has been. Can you believe it's been 9 months already? WOW. Where has the time gone. You are a wonderful human being; a wonderful friend, and most of all, a wonderful roommate. Where would I be without you in my life? :)

On another note; played soccer out at Bethany this weekend. Three things to note:

1) I am incredibly stiff and sore... the stairs up and down from the apartment are my enemy. Enemy #2: the toilet. Guys are lucky; they can just stand there and do their thing without the pain of quads screaming against the sitting down and standing up from the toilet process - now, ladies such as myself - not so lucky... dear me.

2) It is phenomenal to see old friends. Went out for brunch this morning with a bunch of ppl from my freshman class - it is so good to laugh and be real and feel joy with some of the people who made Bethany so great. I absolutely loved chillaxing at the alumni coffeehouse with people who I really only get to see annually when these tournaments come around... and even funner is making connections to see each other again sometime. Keeping in touch with people who have meant a lot to you in the past is awesome... along the same lines:

3) It is sad to see people, and to see yourself change. Sometimes it is for the better; and sometimes it's not. Either way, as time, distance, and personality growth continue there is bound to be change that will divide and cause some connections to fade. I don't think it's a matter that the initial connection wasn't real; I just think it's a fact of life. As I write this I am indeed a bit sad to think of it... but again I have to believe that life is just that - full of complexities and change. I think I'm in that age category (1 1/2 weeks until my 24th b-day) where life is really about instability and the struggle to find it. We all want to some extent to settle down a bit, to find happiness, to be challenged in new ways... how does it pan out in light of old friendships? I don't know... the quest continues.

Finally folks, I do have to say that life is just so beautiful. I am saddened and challenged constantly by what comes my way. Continually I guess the cry of my heart is that I would be OK with who I am and who I am becoming. This last year has been really, really good for discovering that; but I guess I really hope that that wouldn't end. Ever. Even on the days when I wish it would... this road to bogota of sorts really is a journey... Rock On.

I'm including some photos of a road trip I took this summer with two awesome ladies (Dana and Amy) - we had a PHE nomenal time on this trip and I really actually find myself longing for times like this again... It was good to be with them at that time. These pics are included here because I kind of appreciate my roots of late. The first photo is just me: me being me. Happy, laughing... feeling good; driving my Jeep. FUN. Next is my step dad; very cool guy... this photo was taken in a sketchy Valleyview shop when he was helping a friend out... he's so hardcore. Next is me and the Ame-ster on my porch. I used to not like that I grew up in a trailor in the sticks but this year have come to a place where I can be proud of the hard work that went into that home... we built on the addition and porch when I was 14 or 15... it was the first time in my whole life I had a room of my own... my dad even built bookshelves into the walls for me. It rocked. Now it's the TV room. My walls were long tore down. Sad. Next is me and my mam. Many moons have passed in our relationship to get it is where it is today. I never thought we would get to this place we're at these days... this is a woman with a rough past and who tries to do the best she can now. These pics are to prove that life may throw you stones, but every once in a while; there is a precious diamond in the rough. I hope I can remember that on the days that it's hardest to remember. Peace everyone. Peace.

posted by Erica @ 11:18 p.m.  
  • At 7:51 p.m., Blogger Dana said…

    that was really beautiful... you are beautiful... and i like living with you...

  • At 6:55 a.m., Blogger Becky said…

    I love you...and miss you. And love reading your blog. Honestly, I think you should just hop on a plane and come see me. Kapish? Kapish! LOVE YOU SCAMMS!


  • At 6:06 p.m., Blogger Niki said…

    It would have been fun to have come out and played soccer. *sigh* Oh well, when you speak of the joys of the toilet and stairs, I'm suddenly feeling really good about not being there...

  • At 2:34 p.m., Blogger Bonnie said…

    Scamma...just between you and me, but I'm shooting for a certain v-ball camp this summer! Keep your fingers crossed...i'm still trying to convince ol' Jonny boy but we may just make it there :)
    Miss you!

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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