El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
My Dream for Today
Today I wish that children around the world were being held in the loving arms of a parent...

Last night was possibly the worst night of my life... I have dealt with a lot of stuff personally; but nothing shakes me like the feeling of being powerless to protect another child. At 11:30 last night, a 14 year old girl from within our community showed up below our balcony calling our for Dana. Dana wasn't home, so I went down and let her in. Cheeks tear stained, shaking and cold I let this dear girl - a child - in to my apartment to listen to her tell me that her mother had kicked her out of their house because she came home too late. We talked for awhile, I tried distracting her by asking her about Canada and what she loves here and how she feels about her brothers and sisters... and eventually, I had to take her back home. I felt powerless in knowing what to do. Should I have just let her stay and not let her family know where she was? Did I do the right thing by taking her home and talking with her mother? I do not know, and today am plagued with guilt and self-doubt. There was more to her story that weighs on my heart and I do not know what to do with it - more and more I am becoming outraged by the treatment of children within our society... listening to Josh Groban sing about "...just believe..." on Yahoo music right now makes me think of all the over and under privileged children existing within our society - right in our midst children are suffering. Imagine around the world the treatment of children. Imagine being able to just believe and have life be better - for some kids, hope is a joke - they are trapped in families where they feel completely unloved and where they view running away or even being dead as greater alternatives than staying. I once was there - praise the LORD that He has changed my heart and my life. I am comstantly reminded lately of the gift of life being the very, very greatest gift He has given us all. What a reminder that was last night, but what a shock and discouragement at the same time. I am dying inside wishing I could make this world better for them and feeling like I can do nothing. Kids Club is one step... one step. Oh man how I wish I knew the answers to these things! Baby steps. I desire to effect change in the world around me. People unite, let us pray for and be ministers of peace in this world, lest we destroy the greatest gift the Lord has ever given anyone: LIFE.
posted by Erica @ 12:56 p.m.  
  • At 4:21 p.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    you did the right thing erica. you took her in, dried her tears and listened to a story im sure you've heard all to often.
    that little girl now knows that someone in the world does care about her and love her enough to give her someplace to be herself!

  • At 4:40 p.m., Blogger Dana said…

    My heart hurts too friend... I don't know if we'll ever know the 'right' answer'... we know we gotta love... and I pray that God would give us wisdom in how to do this... much love... you did good... and I am praying...

  • At 9:13 p.m., Blogger Janelle said…

    you are making a difference Erica! You & Dana both are putting your hearts into these kids - and you will be rewarded...you already are by the trust they are putting into you.
    you did the right thing by taking her home - but she knows that she can come to you again when she needs too - that's SO important to a child - to have a safe place.
    God has such an amazing plan for you - you don't see it now, and i know it's frustrating - but He's holding you close - even when you don't feel it. I'm excited to see what He has in store for you.
    I'm sending a big hug.

  • At 10:35 a.m., Blogger Trev and Rebekah said…

    I hear your heart. I'm glad that God had you spend some time with that girl. I hope you can continue a friendship with her. May God continue to use you and the heart He has given you.

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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