El Camino...
Es largo y profundo, pero voy a caminar el camino...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Life - AKA Post #92
Here I sit on my couch in the dark of the living room. It's approximately 12:20... and I have to be up for work at 7 in the morning so I can be there for 8 so I can leave by 3... and even then, that's only 6.5 hours. Oh dear me. Why am I sitting on this couch brooding you might ask? I really don't know; and that's the thing of it all. I feel as though in this last week a growing, gnawing, fermenting frustration has been rising up within me... and life is GREAT essentially; so what the heck is going ON!?(#$

As I sat on a rock by the river tonight I pondered several things:
a) is my butt getting dirty from this dusty rock?
b) will people notice my dusty butt if I gas up the Jeep after leaving this dusty rock?
c) what is my freaking problem?
d) what will happen to my gum that just fell out of my mouth and into this gorgeous river...!?
e) that person flying the kite over there reminds me of Colombia; August is the month of kites...
f) man I wish {insert special friend name here] were here, but the silence and smells of nature are kind of nicer because I'm alone
g) man, I feel so alone
h) I think I need to move back to Edmonton to fix the growing hole that exists between me and the fam
i) ugh, I'm so tired of putting effort into point h.
j) what effort? you are a lazy slug and do nothing to improve the situation
k) I never want to leave this rock... even though it might be dirtying my bottom
l) am I going to be able to climb back up the sand embankment that I slid down to get here?
m) freak I hope so because that would be embarassing if not
n) if I can't get back up, I have no food.
o) the cell phone is in your left pocket; I'm sure BP's delivers...
p) hmmmm....
q) I wish I had a camera
r) what is up with these sick tiny little mosquito like things??
s) why do I feel so alone?
t) why have I been so grumpy lately?
u) why am I so irritated all the time?
v) what is up with me not absolutely adoring my job that I wanted soooo very badly?
w) I just need to get over it!
x) but what the heck is "it" anyway?????
y) is this menopause?
z) man I wish I could go swimming...

So there you have it. Seriously, these were my thoughts as I sat by the river. There were moments of tears in there; moments of silence just waiting to hear the answers to my questions. The inner turmoil of Erica Scammell; as expressed alphabetically... gotta love my brain!

On a chipper note: saw Matt Costa last night at Louis' - man is he good. I've always enjoyed him (except for the month that Dana played and replayed and replayed his CD constantly... there was a bit of a lull in the enjoyment factor; I must admit). The thing I liked about him was that it wasn't about the loudness, it wasn't about the hype... I felt he was just doing his thing. His way; nicely. Great show, I thoroughly enjoyed him...

On another chipper note; can we talk about how much I love car washes? Indeed; I may get the Jeep washed tomorrow; something about the tri-colour foam is just so mezmorizing... and I think I've detected a mild scent to it as well. Indeed - that may be a treat for Erica tomorrow evening. Sigh... what a day... what a day!
posted by Erica @ 11:25 p.m.  
  • At 11:18 a.m., Blogger Erica R said…

    Ok - so maybe the jeep does exist!

    I love you.

  • At 6:31 p.m., Blogger Amber said…

    I wish I could sit on a rock and think that clearly... seriously, I'm not even joking man! I miss ya, and thanks for loving me friend!

  • At 3:48 p.m., Blogger Bonnie said…

    Why do you have to be so dang funny!? Oh how i love you Scamms!! And you SHOULD come visit...Jon and I miss you so much and we would love to "host" your visit ;)
    It was good to hear from you...oh, and Todd and I reminisced the other night about the "Shifting Sands" song and how you had still remembered us performing it all those years ago :) Good times!

  • At 9:55 p.m., Blogger Becky said…

    I love you Erica...and to tell you the truth, I miss you so much right now. It's Friday night....I'm leaving in 2 days...man I hope I get to say goodbye to you. I love you...

  • At 4:52 p.m., Blogger Bonnie said…

    What the frick, Erica?? Have you gotten fuzzy yet? So it is I, Jon Esau, finally contributing to this blog thingy, but I guess that it is not really blogging since I am just commenting on your blogging. Anyways, I just love to read the things you have to say on your blogspot and the commets you leave on ours. I really miss the times I had the privilege of being your peer at school and a "colleague" at BSC. I don't think that I ever told you how much I appreciated working with you on those chapels. They were fun and your encouragement is definitely what got me through them. I definitely felt inadequate but when all was said and done, I really think God did "His thing" and worked there and the teamwork that we had was His tool, not me or you but everyone that contributed. So I really hope that you come out to visit us. And soon! We would even cook you every meal so it would be just getting out here that would be the issue, and I guess getting time off of work.
    Hey and at my work I do kinda similar stuff as you. Mostly I run a shipyard but for the past month they asked me to take care of the Mexicans cause I speak the best Spanish. Que pasa? you say. Tengo un bueno maestro, Yo no se quien pero aprende rapido. my Spanish is quite sloppy because I am going off of one semester at Bethany and twenty hours of Spanish refreshing combined with the crazy conversations I have with my latino coworkers but they have taught me alot and it is fun.
    I guess my work is not as similar with yours as I thought but regardless, I work with foreign immigrants in Canada that do not speak English. Although my guys have to go back to Mexico and your guys get to stay. Anyways, by the time I have finished this "comment" I could have (and/or) should have just made a blog myself. Bonnie still has yet to teach me.
    So alas, this comment comes to an end, as do all good things (amd bad things come to an end so you be the judge as to whether or not this was good or bad).
    Cool, so yeah, miss ya lots, can't wait to see or hear from you. Take care and love God,
    Jon Esau

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Name: Erica
Home: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa

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